Digital Stones

Glass Box 

Mapping video
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening
Free access
20 June > 20 July, 10:30 pm - 12:15 am
25 July > 10 August, 10:00 pm - 12:15 am
15 > 31 August, 9:30 pm - 12:15 am
Glass Box 

Glass Box temporarily transforms physical space by changing its shape, fulfilling one of the highest objectives of architectural modernism: to dematerialise walls and seamlessly link the inside to the outside. This piece seeks to explore freedom in the public domain, creating a temporary space for communication that could stimulate further transformation and dialogue.

Filip Roca
Spain (Barcelona)

Filip Roca is a freelance artist who spent over a decade working in animation and motion graphics, before focusing on architectural video projection, object mapping, and live-action generative visuals.

Zarko Komar
Serbie (Belgrade)

Zarko Komar draws his influences from the four corners of the globe, from jazz to avant-garde contemporary electronic styles. An international career as a DJ, music producer, and manager of large-scale commercial projects feeds into his work.

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