Digital Stones


Laser projection


ÉTHER, dark matter, ghost energy, or dark energy. These terms attempt to define spaces or states of matter that cannot be accurately described, that humans have never been able to experience or feel. The ÉTHER project showcases these spaces that are beyond our reach, these sounds that we cannot decipher yet which fuel our imagination, hinting at the potential of other universes, other lives. A suspended, dreamlike space whose inaccessibility is enticing.

Presented in partnership with the Région Grand Est and the Agence culturelle Grand Est.

Grégory Wagenheim
France (Metz)

Educated at the École Supérieure d’Art in Lorraine, Grégory Wagenheim is a graphic designer specialising in animated images, from motion design to music videos. His art combines illustrations, visual textures, and sound, in a constant desire to mix genres, mysteries, and elements of pop culture with colourful universes and scientific imagery.

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