Urban art

Billboard posters, 2015

Billboard posters, 2015

Joséphine Kaeppelin has collected phrases from conversations, books, and conferences, chosen for their evocative potential. The artist takes them out of context and places them on monochrome posters. These works bring to mind the format of advertising posters and that of a screen with subtitles. With no illustrations to refer to, we have to imagine the situations in which these phrases might have been written or spoken, and leave them to resonate with our own experience.

Work relaunched in partnership with 49 Nord 6 Est – Frac Lorraine.

Presented in partnership with SNCF Gares & Connexions.

Joséphine Kaeppelin
France, Netherdands (Heerlen)

Joséphine Kaeppelin is a visual artist whose motto is “trigger a thought”. Her practice questions the role of the artist, who she chooses to consider as a provider of intellectual and graphic services. She is involved in a variety of contexts – companies, institutions, local communities, etc. – from which she draws the material for her creations, often by means of surveys.

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