Day tour
Art &

Every day - Free access

Porte des Allemands
  • Tuesday to Sunday : 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm
km route
works including 2 creations
artists including 8 international artists

The theme of the 2024 edition of the Art & Jardins trail is Free Space(s). The plurality of this term is a deliberate reflection of the multiple dimensions in which freedom is constantly redefined and negotiated. This journey is an exploration, not only of space in the astrological sense, but also of the spaces we inhabit, the architectural and urban heritage that is ours to protect. The works presented are intended to reflect, question, and perhaps even provide answers to the dilemmas that arise when we contemplate the enigma of freedom in various spaces.

Jeremie Bellot
Jérémie Bellot

Artistic curator
Architect and artist, founder of the AV Extended studio and the “Château de Beaugency” digital arts centre, Jérémie Bellot is interested in light, space and the challenges of the digital world. The intent is to improve or reveal the relationship between architecture and mankind through transmedia art. Bellot places architectural metamorphosis through pixels, light, and sound at the core of his artistic concept.

The plan