Art & Gardens

Jardins d’ombre, Jardins d’eau

Ephemeral garden
Jardins d’ombre, Jardins d’eau

Installed in the Place de la Comédie since 2009, this summer garden takes on a new theme every year. In tune with current events and environmental concerns, it offers a different vision of nature, set right in the heart of Metz. The town’s gardeners work for several weeks to create a green environment where visitors can wander around to their heart’s content. This year, the Jardins d’ombre, Jardins d’eau, true meeting places, open their doors to visitors in search of a breath of fresh air.

Produced with the participation of landscaping apprentices from the Courcelles-Chaussy Centre de Formation d’Apprentis aux métiers du paysage, de l’agriculture et de l’environnement (Training centre for landscaping, agriculture, and the environment), and presented with the support of SPIE, Lingenheld and the Université de Lorraine.

Parks, Gardens and Natural Spaces Department (City of Metz)

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