Digital Stones

Black out in variations

Immersive projection
Black out in variations

Digital and sound artists, visual artists, actors, singers, and dancers have come together to create the immersive projection Black out in variations. This is a new version of the play Black out, created by Collectif 804 around the question: what would you do if you only had an hour to live ? Sheltered under the dome and immersed in a visual and aural ambiance, spectators seek their own answers to this question.

Co-produced with BLIIIDA as part of the GRACE project co-funded by the European program Interreg Grande Région 2021 – 2027, and in partnership with the Opéra-Théâtre of the Metz Eurometropole. Presented in partnership with Les Ateliers Eclairés and the Région Grand Est.

On Thursday, 20 June at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.*, the artists of Collectif 804 will be exceptionally present for two live performances of the piece Black out in variations.
*Free with booking:


Collectif 804
France (Paris)

Desaxismundi Mexico (Mexico City)
Spain (Madrid)
Romain Barthélémy France (Paris)

Collectif 804 invites spectators to change their relationship to theatre through a physical, festive, and immersive piece, pushing the boundaries of the performing arts, theatre and dance. Desaxismundi is a generative artist and creative developer. Catmac is a VFX artist, motion designer, and computer graphics artist. Romain Barthélémy is lead composer and sound designer for the Ircam Amplify team. Their hybrid poetry offers new visions, new possibilities.



Romain Barthélémy

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