
Every day - Free access

Arsenal (Exhibition Gallery)
  • Tuesday to Saturday: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
  • Sunday: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
works including 7 creations
artists including 2 international artists

See Metz as we do not usually see it.

Nesta's lush, stylized murals are a metaphor for a fragmented future, a memory which sits somewhere between remembering and forgetting. Inspired by the power of words, RERO uses contradiction and ambiguity to encourage commitment to social causes. Laurence Piaget-Dubuis and K.releuses respond with a restorative form of ecology, transforming the space into a haven of healing. Innovative, The Blind uses Braille graffiti to include non-sighted people. This 2024 edition underscores the deep commitment of artists who create works which are in harmony with the public space and in tune with the modern era.

Jeremie Bellot
Myriama Idir 

Myriama Idir is a designer of cultural experiences, a confluence between different aesthetics. Her work with companies and cultural institutions over the past 25 years has led her to extend her urban art consulting and support missions via her agency, Belle Vue. A programmer and curator, she directed the East Block Party, the Z.U.C. exhibition series (2009-2019), and co-founded the Prix Utopi-e for LGBTQIA+ artists whose work proposes new ways of representing our world. In 2023, she joined the Ministry of Culture’s Cycle des Hautes Études de la Culture, an event which aims to co-construct a strategic and shared vision of the major challenges for art in the public space.

The plan